Border Security Solutions
Controlling national borders is an important part of a nation’s security. The ability to effectively monitor vast areas in varied weather conditions and terrain, while accurately identifying potential threats at great distances is a complicated scenario. The solution calls for knowledgeable personnel and accurate sensors that work together to quickly assess a situation and enable border agents to effectively intervene.
PureTech's award-winning software solutions enable autonomous intrusion detection, classification, auto-verification, and deterrence on both new and legacy systems. Our advanced technology supports the seamless integration of AI-enhanced capabilities, facilitating iterative fielding and continuous improvement. With our automated system, air and ground detection events are efficiently disseminated, keeping you informed and in control. Our bidirectional protocol conversion ensures smooth communication between sensors and the common operational picture (COP), streamlining metadata and command exchange. Additionally, PureTech supports additional real-time AI processing, unlocking further potential for intelligent decision-making.
Geospatial Common Operating Picture (COP)
PureActiv® uses geospatial (GIS map-based) map technology to display camera, radar, and other sensors locations and their field-of-views, alarm events, and target tracks. In addition to live and recorded video and live radar tracks, the user interface includes map tools such as the ability to add and share place-markers, point-and-click on the map to steer cameras to geolocations, fire laser range finders, range-to-target indicator, and a distance measuring tool. This combination of real-time data on a map-based interface, provides the user a high level of situational awareness, which aides them in effective interdiction.
Key Features
Full motion live and recorded video,
Live target tracks on GIS map,
Automated continuous Slew-to-Cue: Radar, UGS, GPS,
Integration with long and short range radars,
Geospatial AI-boosted Video Analytics for Detection, Classification & Tracking,
GPS integration for blue-force tracking,
CoT / TAK integration for data sharing,
Long Range Camera Auto Tracking,
Loud hailer integration for active deterrence,
Automated drone dispatch to target locations,
Precision camera control,
Laser Range finder control,
Night Vision Spotlight control,
KML map data support,
Camera and radar map viewsheds,
Tower Deflection compensation algorithms,
Forensic Video Analysis,
Alarm management, and
Fixed and mobile tower deployments.
Border Intrusion Detection
PureTech Systems’ Delivering on Orders of its PureActiv Software providing Rapidly Deployable Advanced Surveillance Technology to U.S. Border Patrol
The MVSS platform utilizes PureTech Systems' PureActiv software as its central command and control, providing AI enhanced video detection and classification, user interface display, and sensor collaboration logic for the surveillance suite. The suite consists of visible and thermal cameras, laser illuminators and range finders mounted on telescoping masts located in the back of commercial pickup trucks. The PureActiv software enables detection and classification of intruders up to 6 miles away. Once the PureActiv software automatically identifies an intruder, the system has the ability to automatically track them and quickly provide accurate intruder location on a GIS map to the end user.
PureActiv Mobile Surveillance System
PTZ Follow Specific Target
Need a Rapid Deploy Solution?
(R-DAPSS) enables airports, borders, military bases, seaports, transit agencies, and utilities to quickly deploy a temporary or permanent high fidelity virtual perimeter system at substantially less cost and time than a hard-wired solution. The PureActiv R-DAPSS provides the same best-in-class level of perimeter intrusion detection, auto-verification, and automated deterrence as a hard wired-solution. Security and facility managers can now secure their perimeters quickly without planning and executing a large construction project.