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PureTech Systems Market Solutions

Market Solutions

PureTech’s patented location and AI based intrusion detection software automates wide area and perimeter protection for the most critical applications, where high probability of detection and low nuisance alarm rates are mandatory.

PureTech Systems Inc. PureActiv® Software Solution provides a scalable layered automated detection, classification, tracking, and deterrent solution for protecting any critical infrastructures, facilities, and borders.  PureActiv can dramatically increase surveillance effectiveness and efficiencies by acting as a force multiplier.
PureActiv’s open architecture software solution easily integrates with numerous perimeter and field sensors and systems to enable your organization to quickly leverage as much or as little of PureTech’s capabilities as needed.   PureActiv can automate the entire process from intrusion detection, auto-verification, PTZ Auto-follow, and invoking non-lethal acoustic deterrents.
PureActiv AI Video analytics are in wide use today automating the protection of borders, numerous types of transportation infrastructures (Airports, Seaports, Transit agencies, Parking management), Man overboard, Military bases, and utilities, among others. Since PureTech’s PureActiv geospatial AI Video Analytics boast the longest detection ranges in the market (over 5 miles), camera counts are minimized, which dramatically lowers infrastructure costs including fewer cameras, recording, poles, power and network infrastructure, and installation labor.

PureTech Markets

Skeptical? Put us to the test.  If your company has an initiative to secure critical infrastructure or country borders, we’d be happy to engage with you to prove our performance including comparison against any competitor in the market.  We are that confident in our performance.

Geospatial AI-Boosted Video Analytics

PureActiv’s decades of time-tested video analytics now incorporate automated verification capability using AI Deep Learning Neural nets, which adds a second high-fidelity object classification into an already robust video analytics pipeline.  The net effect is even lower nuisance alarm levels with very high probability of detection. 

Automated Detect, Classify & Deter

Auto-Detect and Geolocate Intrusions
PureActiv Geospatial AI-boosted Video Analytics
  • PureTech Geospatial Video Analytics,

  • Fence Sensors,

  • Radars,

  • Ground, and

  • Other sensors.

Auto Classify Intruders
PureActiv Geospatial AI-boosted Video Analytics
  • Autonomously steer cameras, dispatch drones to gelocation of intrusion.

  • Using ML, classify target as a threat/non-threat.

Auto Alert Personnel & Keep Track of Intruders
PureActiv Geospatial AI-boosted Video Analytics
  • Issue alarms - Mobile devices, Workstations.

  • Autonomously follow intruders.

  • Keep airborne and ground intruders in camera view.

Auto Deter & Defeat
PureActiv Geospatial AI-boosted Video Analytics
  • Blast intruders with deterrent sounds and strobe lights.

  • Jame drone communications and GPS. 

Long Range Detection (>5 miles)

AI Video Analytics, Long Range Detection

PureActiv® AlertView Command and Control Interface

PureActiv User Interface for real-time intruder detection

PureActiv geospatial AI-boosted video analytics can be integrated into third party NVR and PSIM systems or used with PureActiv AlertView real-time video and sensor management command and control client provide a complete end-to-end software solution.  PureActiv AI-boosted video analytics can be deployed on edge-devices and enterprise servers.


“I have relied heavily on PureActiv and thrived off its benefits. PureActiv is a gamechanger, no doubt about it”.


PureActiv® AI-Boosted Video Analytics Integrated into 3rd Party VMS and/or PSIM

VMS and PSM Integration

PureActiv® AI-Boosted Video Analytics Integrated into 
PureActiv® AlertView Command and Control

Command and Control Integration for perimeter security

Many times, the right detection solution is not a single sensor technology.  In addition to its geospatial AI-boosted video analytics, PureActiv integrates with other perimeter sensors such as radar, buried or on-fence fiber detection systems, and ground sensors, either singularly or combining them, to provide just the right level of protection your perimeter requirements.

PureActiv® Open System, Agile Real-time Detection and Response Command and Control

PureActiv Sensor Integration
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